The Tasker Twirl Matting(framing)Technique

A fellow imager,Tasker was kind enough to explain how he achieved a cool effect when framing his work. I did some experimenting which revealed some very satisfying results.

Although the results INITIALLY may not be of complimentary colors to the Dominating Image of work.....the art of Manipulating graphics takes care of that. So for now...the focus is on the Matte/frame NOT your primary Image. It's really fairly simple,but involves several steps.

The process "boiled down".
  • Grab the background of choice and haul it to Image Magik.Re-size it to the same size as the image being framed.
  • Click the FX Tab
  • Enter "3" in parameter box and click IMPLODE and the "activate" button.Yes,it did change,yep U think it's ugly...keep going.
  • Click FX tab...enter 550;click SWIRL and the "make it happen" U won't find MAKE IT HAPPEN,don't be so literal...just hit the damn button.
  • If you like it..STOP HERE
  • Now THAT is the first half of the "drill". You will have a large white area in the center--it's shape will depend on the parameter entered when SWIRLED.

    THIS IS THE MAGIC...THE number entered into the parameter box @SWIRL.

    Below are examples of some of those parameters.





    Kick it up a notch

    Swirl@250K Impode@3 AND Re-swirl@550

    Take the first the top(swirl@550/Imp@3 AND re-IMPLODE@3 AND re-SWIRL450000 again.
    ..and STOP

    I could keep going,but it's not necessary...This is all there is to it.

    The only limitation to Imagination is the degree of Courage to experiment.~~~Morgue Mama

    Final finishing step.

    You are thrilled with the Matte,but there is this ugly white space(may be another color,sometimes is).

    Under this coveted piece of pending "art" are the boxes for Paint.

  • Click NONE Tab...enter Matte
  • enter "transparent","nocolor","none"...any work in the box under the NONE TAB
  • Enter "10000" in the FUZZ box. The box underFUZZ is left alone.
  • Click on the Matte(white area in the center, taking the yellow arrow to the center of the solid area. Click it.

    Next page............BAM!!! Now out put.

    If Using this right away OUTPUT as a gif.Otherwise U may want to OUTPUT JPG and then when U go use it reverse it back to a gif......................I'm not going there.

    First, to show the reader the varied effects achieved by,as I refer,"tweaking" some of the parameters.

    Here are just a couple of examples.

    I used this frame

    Here's the frame(shrunk) for my grandbaby's pic

    Written by chameleon53/aka Morgue Mama 3/15/02

    Chameleon Central

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